
A Shining Star Learning Center is committed to helping give your child the best
in early childhood care and education. We offer an outstanding curriculum that
is designed specifically for your child. A Shining Star Learning Center has
adapted The Creative Curriculum, a theory and research based curriculum that
focuses on the play in the child’s environment. 

The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos main goals are:

Social/Emotional Development: Children learn about themselves and others
around them through their surroundings, positive interactions, and the trusting
relationships that are formed with the staff.

Physical Development: Children learn about movement through gradually taking
control of their body as they develop new motor skills while exploring their

Cognitive Development: Children learn about the world. This involves how
children think, reason and solve problems in their environment. They use their
senses to explore their world and get a better understanding of it.
